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Once upon a noon (2020)

During my BA honours course in school an idea was pitched to the class where a student wanted to showcase the beauty of the void deck to regular Singaporeans. The void deck is generally an empty space usually on the first floor of a high rise flat. Hence three of us including myself got down to working on this project.

To show off this environment we decided to use a character who we've named Gomu to go around the place and recreate memories of activities we did at the void deck in our childhood.

Once Upon a Noon was nominated for the National Youth Film Awards 2020, the 4th  Chaniartoon Fest  as well as being one of the top 10 films in Digicon 2020.

Chaniartoon official2020-black.png

You may view the film's trailer below

As we are currently unable to stream the film publicly please contact me if you would like to see the full film. :D

Below is a gallery of stills from the film

Stills from Once Upon a Noon

My role in the film was mainly its post production and some of the character animation.

Animating in the Distance

Much of the animation I did were of Gomu in faraway shots. Many a times these would be full body animations and they would require a combination of unique actions to capture the audience's attention. To show off the environment, big actions would be required to draw attention to different parts of the frame .

Post Production in a Grey World

Post production was a challenge. There were many technical difficulties to overcome such as extending animation sequences which were too short, animating different background elements as well as trying to imitate how light would work in a real void deck yet make the audience feel like they are looking through the lens of Gomu who is looking at the void deck for the very first time. I was trying to give a new perspective to an area the audience was already familiar with.


Scene_03 (post prod Before).jpg


Scene_03 (post prod After).jpg













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