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  • Shanamations

Character's Colour & Personality

The Anti Virus is a non-human character. So colour wise he could have been almost any colour.

Some of the colour schemes I had tried out here.

No.2 was chosen as Red was the Theme colour for Brike as red would give a more aggressive feel to the character. Another 2 choices I had were no.8 and no.5

No. 8 unfortunately felt too dull to fit into an image of a fierce and relentless anti virus. no.5 although it was brightly coloured it did not match the colour scheme for the company's colour theme so it was scrapped as well.

For a software how would I portray a character with supposedly no emotions was a difficulty I had faced. I thought about this background being an Anti virus he probably had faced many different types of insane ,delusional viruses. Just as how talking to somebody who is like a broken record . Some of the traits I came out with would be"

-Snarky -Sarcastic -Enjoy's his work of getting rid of the viruses -Serious on doing a great job on whatever task you set for him to do

Based on these traits I drew out how his facial expressions would be like . I was also a good time to experiment on how much squash and stretch I could add to his jaw area to make him even more expressive to make up for his lack of eyebrows.

Wrinkling the skin around the eyes also helps to give him more expressions to help him with his lack of eyebrows. Shoulders also help play a big part in how he moves his body.

As to how he would interact with the viruses as well as get a sense of his personality some poses has him torturing the virus combined with facial expressions based off how I think he would feel

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